Magic in the Mundane

I cannot emphasize how much I am enjoying watching things falling into place without much effort.  The daily anxiety is leaving me, the worry about the future is rare, and now replaced by the desire to see what joy will unfold next.  And the more I expect, the more I notice and receive.

Of course I still get anxious – I was yesterday after a phone call that did not go the way I hoped. The moments after the conversation left me feeling helpless and regretful, but after a little thought, I was able to say, “let me think through all the possible outcomes, good and bad.”  That intentional thought allowed me to leave the state of anxiety and cross over to the other side.  I accepted the resistance of the call, quickly prayed for resolution, believed that a clear answer would come, and decided to accept the outcome.  Within a few moments, it was done – a far cry from the reaction I would have had a few months ago.

My view on I-75 on my drive to Macon, GA... it was magical...
My view on I-75 on my drive to Macon, GA… it was magical…

There is magic in the mundane and mystery in the ordinary.  It is always there.  We just don’t stop long enough to enjoy it. The most interesting part of my life now is looking back in wonder at how much I missed by not being present enough, and making the decision to experience the miraculous.  To stop and notice it.  Believe it or not, it’s possible.  Just try 20 minutes of silence at the beginning of each day and your magic will definitely unfold…

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